Brave Halfling Publishing is proud to announce the release of “People of the Pit” in print.
This fantastic module is written by Alphonso Warden and features art by John Bignham.
This print product includes a protective laminate coating on the cover, 41 pages of text, 12 pieces of original art, 4 new monsters and 4 pages of maps that can be easily removed without damaging the module. When you purchase this module from Brave Halfling Publishing, you will also receive a free pdf of it as well!
Susurrus Profundi
Several millennia back, the peoples of the mighty Kingdom of Merritt entered into all-out war with their long-time nemesis, the People of the Pit, a nefarious race of slug-like creatures hailing from a vast subterranean city lying on their northern border. Though the battle was hard fought, with both sides initially incurring heavy losses, the Merrittians in due course gained the upper hand, almost wholly exterminating their foe. Even the very god of the People of Pit was banished to the lower planes by a cabal of Merrittian magic-users and clerics, or so they thought. Recently, the evil within the city of the People of the Pit has surged yet again, and it is up to you to see that it doesn’t spill out into the surrounding lands.
“People of the Pit” was designed to be run with a minimum of preparation, and can be integrated into the Game Master’s home campaign with little effort. Even though the adventure is designed for 4-6 players of levels 5-7, it can easily be modified to suit lower and higher level parties with the NPC tables in the appendix.
“People of the Pit” is available for $15 World-Wide (Shipping & free pdf Included!)
The pdf of this module is available at:
A Word from the Designer of People of the Pit
I am greatly pleased that you have shown an interest in purchasing People of the Pit, which I feel will help fill a void in the role-playing game market. What void you say? Well, I feel that at present there are few adventure modules being written that are set in more exotic locales such as ancient Babylon, Egypt, India, Persia, Greece, or even the imaginary worlds of the late, great pulp writers H.P. Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, and Abraham Merritt. Unfortunately, most modules today take place in some version of medieval Europe where the magic of the alchemists and black magicians of that era is real. Such a milieu, in the opinion of this designer, has lost much of its charm over the years, becoming banal. This stagnation in the market is inexcusable because “old school” role-playing game systems like OSRIC can easily support unconventional settings, and in the past often did.
People of the Pit is quite an exotic adventure, indeed, and replicates the general feel of the glorious pulp yarn of the same name that inspired it written by the legendary A. (Abraham) Merritt. However, considering the strong fantasy element inherent in “old school” role-playing games, I have infused the adventure with a bit more eldritch magic and mythical beasts sure to strike terror into the most doughty of players.
For those who may be unfamiliar with the term “old school” as it applies to adventure design, perhaps a bit of explanation is in order. To this designer, “old school” adventures are action-oriented dungeon crawls positively brimming with fell monsters, diabolical traps, and clever riddles. They are designed to tax both the brains and sword arms of the player characters. They are not, and I can’t emphasize this enough, burdened with ream upon ream of source material and intricate plots which reduce players to nothing more than scripted actors in the Game Master’s “grand saga.” Apart from limiting spontaneity on the part of the player characters, these overly story-driven adventures tend to burden the Game Master, forcing him or her to constantly reference the particulars of the background information in order to maintain the flow of the plot. Such is definitely not the kind of game I would ever want to participate in, and I hope that those reading this feel the same way. In other words, if you came of gaming age in the late seventies and early eighties or merely wish you had, then you will not be disappointed with People of the Pit. -Alphonso Warden